November 26 - January 25, 2025
Artist Statement
I aim for my finished paintings to have a compelling presence and
sustaining inner harmony. While I was trained in an academic figurative
tradition, for several decades working without narrative images has
been more interesting to me. I enjoy the process of discovery and want
my completed paintings to feel as if they came into being on their own.
I feel my role as an art-maker is to help facilitate this. Viewers may attend
to my works as visual music - songs without words.
For several years I’ve been integrating collage and materials from my work
as a custom wall finisher into my paintings. I enjoy the tension between the
timeless weight of the plasters, the emotive impact of textures, and the ephemeral
essence of colors and delicate glazes. I see it like a reconciling of earth and spirit.
Successful works have a taut inner balance that retains
a spontaneous quality. I want to be so far within the process my touch and
individuality are minimized. For me this approach reflects my belief in the
interwoven nature we share as humans with all life forms.
Meet the Artist
Born in Detroit MI, John Wiercioch spent his teen years in northern Indiana, in 1988 moved to Virginia to earn an MFA at Radford University, then made Roanoke his home for over three decades. He worked for several years at the Art Museum of Western VA, ending his tenure as Director of Education. Since 2000 Wiercioch has been the sole proprietor of a residential painting business specializing in custom wall finishes. In addition to making paintings and experiencing art, he loves gathering with friends (or striking out alone) to experience the renewing serenity of hiking, biking, kayaking, walking, gardening, and just Being outdoors. He views humans as within nature, not above or dominating it, and seek ways to reveal and restore the innate connection to the planet and each other. Creating art has been a fascinating, joyful journey for over 40 years.